Sunday 3 March 2013

Water-colour portrait of Ramana Maharishi

Another one in this series of portraits on Bhagawan Ramana Maharishi. I have attempted this in water colour. It is for the reader to comment on the resemblance. However, compared to the other photographs of Ramana Maharishi, this one appears to have been taken when he was a little younger. He does not appear as frail as in the other references that I have used in my previous works. Also, unlike his more famous photographs, he has just a little stubble in this one, instead of the little white beard that we are typically used to!
Bhagawan's eyes are the most beautiful. There is a distant, yet compassionate feeling in them. Mine is but a feeble attempt to capture his expression!
His face is like the description of the Supreme in the Upanishads.. "na chakshushaa gruhyatey... naapi vaacha"- It is impossible to "see" the Supreme with these eyes, neither is it possible to describe "It" in words...! How true!



  1. Awesome.....This painting truly has a soul in it.....Kudos !

    - Balaji

  2. Excellent!! You are really talented, Shankar!
    (Go this link from Balaji :) )

  3. This is beautiful... but I kinda like the pencil sketches more!

  4. This is a rare picture of Bhagawan.It has come out beautifully.
