Monday 9 September 2013

"Murli Manohar Ganesha!"

Chk out this year's Ganesha, handcrafted from the "self hardening clay" from Michaels Artstore. Found a picture over the net and used the idea to try out a different pose. This year, there are pictures in the newspaper about "Spiderman Ganpati", "6-pack Ganpati" etc. This is not as dramatic as some of those all right.
Did toy with the idea of "Dhoni Ganpati"....executing a "helicopter shot"! May be, a different time!

Krishna (murli manohar) and Ganesh Chaturthi are of course connected. In many parts of the country, the story of Krishna and the episode of Syamantaka Mani is retold on this day. Krishna saw the moon on the day of Ganesh Chaturthi and had to pay for it with the allegation of  having stolen the Symantaka gem. Even avataras are not spared of infamy and accusation. Of course, later, Krishna redeemed himself.
We may accidently see the moon on this day and suffer a similar fate. But listening to this story of Krishna is supposed to act as an antidote. The reader may be familiar with all this.


  1. Dude, Looks like your dharmpathni is still relentlessly trying to convert our pillayar into thumbikkai aazhvar.. Kidding aside, very cute Murli Ganapathi!

  2. LOL! I was expecting this response from some quarters! Did you see how I have maintained Buddha's "middle path" by having neither horizontal stripes nor vertical stripes on the forehead?
    To be politically correct, Ganeshas at home always sport a "chandra bindu"- He is "Marathi ganpati".. not "pillayaar".
    But I can hear someone at home saying...
    "Our perumal" alone has come in the form of Ganesha too!!!

  3. Your website is very beautiful or Articles. I love it thank you for sharing for everyone. Ganesh made by clay

    1. Thanks so much Robert! You made my day! Take care!!
