Saturday 7 February 2015

Water-color painting: Nataraja

This is the Nataraja at Gangai-konda-chola-puram, a township close to Thanjavur in Tamil Nadu. Liked the pose- the elegance, the grace...and the majesty. Amongst the forms of Lord Shiva, "bhikshaatana" was the previous painting. "Nataraja" again figures as one of the prominent forms of Lord Shiva.
About a couple of weeks ago, I actually had a dream of visiting this place! That settled the theme for this painting... painted it in about 4 sittings spread over 4 days. Didn't struggle with it overly!

For a change, didn't blend the water colors...left it in dots and give the rugged texture of the stone. Like many of the grand Chola temples, Gangai-konda-Chola-Puram will rank amongst the best- it's verily poetry in stone!!!

The palette is the following: For the lightest areas, yellow-ochre.
The darker shades are done with a mix of burnt sienna, crimson and blue.
No blacks and no whites allowed in water-color! Of course, that's the most basic rule! Just work away.. in layers...from light to dark

Step1: Fill your painting with the light shades
Step 2: Tackle the face first...what if it doesn't turn out fine!!?

Step3: Get the darker shades in...progressively
Step4: Work away...all areas covered..
Step5: Add more darks..and get the details in! That's all there is to it!


  1. Shankar, Beautiful painting. In fact seems like a sculpture itself and not a painting. The effect of stone has been brought out very well. Saw your blog after a long time ...

  2. Thank-you so much for your comments!!!
